in the
Designing activities for participants to have experiences and reasons for change is many different things to different people. A lot of designing for experiential learning programs is now done by people sitting behind a desk, many of whom have never gone through the activities that they want others to go through. Many facilitators too have never participated in the activities they make their groups endure.
Something is amiss! Mine may be the old-school of thought where i saw my mentors not just briefing the activity, but also participating in it vigorously and playfully! In continuation with this methodology, i see that mostly - when the facilitator is just running the activity from a book, they may get it all right - till its time to ask some questions!
The questions that awareness during a personal experience brings are . . . just very different. When they have had these complete experiences, they inform and influence their ability to design for others in ways that are hard to explain.
The approach to this course therefore must begin with where the participants are, and the experiences they have had. So come prepared with your bag-of-tricks, props and activity briefs. What you know will be the foundation for what you could learn.
It is intended for the group to discover design, rather than be told about it. There will be some content delivered, but only to build a skeleton. The flesh and blood will come from the participants. The design of the course itself intends to bring in the principles it wishes to teach.
It will be experiential.
It will involve reading, viewing and discussions.
It will include collaborative learning strategies
It will require you to work between sessions and submit assignments
You will design your program (whatever duration) in session-1 and redesign it 6 times, allowing each session's experience to influence it's growth.
By the end of that exercise, i hope you will have a much better idea about what designing experiences is!
If you still think you want to be part of this, go ahead and register.