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diploma in experiential education & practice

location: pune, india

what is 'deep'?

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Admissions CLOSED for Module-2 2024

Started in July 2011, the diploma program has been a 9-month program from July till March, consisting of 2 contact days/month for 9 months.Even in the absence of the current remote-learning necessity, this course has gone through many iterations and improvements in Design, Content and Delivery. Tweaking it just enough to suit the needs and requests of its audiences in the Indian cities of Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Delhi.

Almost all the written work in this field comes from a western perspective. My travels across the globe showed me that the application of the principles of experiential education has different interpretations across cultures. There is great beauty in that!

 "Consciously we teach what we know. 

 Unconsciously we teach who we are."  

All the principles in the practice of EE will be seen from a Facilitator point of view. For example when we look at something like 'Challenge by Choice' we will focus on what that means for the facilitator's intentionality, Social-Emotional state, behaviour and application. It isn't just another thing we do to our groups!

quick facts

  • ​The entire course will be presented as 3 modules. You can join any of the modules, based on your interest, experience & ability.

  • At the end of each module, you can take a Certificate of Participation.

  • You get the DEEP Certificate only if you have completed all 3 modules.

  • At the end of the course, both written and practical assessments are possibilities to choose from.

  • All sessions will include activities to illustrate and understand the Concept being taught.


4 weekends
starts 6 july 2024

fee: Rs.20,000/-

enriching the environment

3 aug, 21 sept, 9 nov 2024

Admissions CLOSED! 

It is clear that people learn in many different ways. Every group of learners may include a variety of learning styles.

So it makes sense that as educators, we learn to present Content in as many ways as possible - first becoming flexible and adaptable in our teaching style!

Considering that we have no Control over the internal processes of the student (feeling, thinking, doing), or whether a student learns, or wants to learn, educators must build mastery over the things we can control. This includes the environment in which the learning happens, and what we choose to do in that environment.

To enrich the learning environment, we need to build some understanding about how and why learning happens.

So basically answering the question - "How do people learn? what can i do to support individual and collective learning?"

3 weekends
starts 7 december '24

fee: Rs.15,000/-


meaningfulness for the learner

4 Jan, 1 feb weekends

Admissions CLOSED! 

Processing experiences is what makes experiences meaningful. Here we look at how to invite Reflection.

"Teach me the way i learn". We do that by attempting to make the topic as meaningful as possible to the learner. It's not ONLY about the content.

What do we do before presenting content to invite curiosity, engagement and application? How do we present it? What can we do to help them see why we are doing what we are doing?

A big part of it is what is often referred to as 'Processing'. Helping them reflect by asking sharp questions; enabling their learning by applying our curiosity, and inviting theirs.

Staying away from giving them answers that we think are right. Making only ONE answer the 'correct' one. By encouraging exploration and discovery; letting them find answers that you may not come across even if you tried; those that are not yours!

3 weekends
starts 1 MARCH 2025

fee: Rs.15,000/-


facilitator development

5 APRIL, 3 MAY weekends

This is about taking a re-look at our own perspective of who we are and what we do.

The Educator cannot be separated from the Content. Whilst we believe that students enter the classroom to collect knowledge, i think thats far from the truth! There is more Content available in the cloud to boggle most human brains! Yet we have such a thing as a classroom - a place where students and teachers engage in person, with every word spoken affecting and influencing the mood in the room, how people feel, what they choose to think about, and how they choose to do things.

What can we do for ourselves that will help create a safe environment (absence of threat), where students feel the freedom to play, laugh, practice curiosity, question one another, experiment new ways to learn, and (almost) MOST importantly, feel free to fail!

Since the educator normally has greater power, it is critical that we understand that the best use of power is NOT to use it! Power uses PUSH. What we want to do is to create a PULL - towards one another, learner and learned. For that the educator must build a relationship with every learner, and help build a sense of community in the classroom.

Connection before Content! Understanding oneself to build connections

Module-2 starts 7-8 December 2024

One Saturday & Sunday every month

10am - 530pm IST



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