in the
You must have some understanding & practice about how experiential methodology works
​You must have at least 5 years experience in delivering content (this might be in a classroom, outdoors or other settings) for children, teens or adults.
You must have some understanding and experience of prop-based activities that engage Head, Heart and Hand.
Your 'bag-of-tricks' must include at least 30 energisers, movement-based and prop-based problem-solving activities.
You must be able to conduct and process at least 10 different activities.
You must submit your assignments in time, failing which you need not attend the first half of day-1 of the following session.
Its possible you will want to do this even though you don't qualify for some of these. I suggest you gather the experience before the next one is announced. The assignments will be rigorous, requiring you to pull in experiences from your past encounters with groups. If you dont have that experience you may not be able to deliver on the assignments.
Do think it through before you decide to register.